brunch restaurant

Beans & Bar­ley


Right on busy Green Lanes, Beans & Bar­ley is a cof­fee lover's dream. The founder's pas­sion for cof­fee is ev­i­dent, and the team of baris­tas shares that same ded­i­ca­tion. Each cup, from creamy lattes to ro­bust espres­sos, is a tes­ta­ment to their skill. But don't just lim­it your­self to cof­fee! Their cock­tail menu is ide­al for a late af­ter­noon treat, and their lunch op­tions are a tasty way to recharge while dis­cov­er­ing Har­ringay.

Price point
Opening hours
Tuesday08:00 - 12:00Wednesday08:00 - 12:00Thursday08:00 - 02:00Friday08:00 - 02:00Saturday08:00 - 02:00Sunday08:00 - 12:00Monday08:00 - 12:00