
Bar Sa Gav­ina


Hid­den away in the heart of Pal­ma's vi­brant San­ta Catali­na neigh­bor­hood, Bar Sa Gav­ina is a gem that em­bod­ies the essence of Mal­lor­can charm. Step in­side this cozy, unas­sum­ing wa­ter­ing hole and you'll be greet­ed by a warm am­biance, friend­ly lo­cals, and a tan­ta­liz­ing menu of lo­cal spe­cial­ties and tapas. The walls are adorned with vin­tage posters and quirky art­work, cre­at­ing a bo­hemi­an yet invit­ing at­mos­phere. Whether you're seek­ing a re­fresh­ing cerveza on a sun­ny af­ter­noon or a live­ly night out with friends, Bar Sa Gav­ina is the per­fect spot to soak up the au­then­tic spir­it of Pal­ma.

Opening hours
Monday07:00 - 23:00Tuesday07:00 - 23:00Wednesday07:00 - 23:00Thursday07:00 - 23:00Friday07:00 - 23:00Saturday07:00 - 19:00SundayClosed