
Bar Ro­dri­go


Bar Ro­dri­go is a true Barcelona gem. You'll im­me­di­ate­ly feel at ease in the cozy at­mos­phere thanks to the wel­com­ing staff. This is the spot to grab a drink and a bite when you want to re­lax and watch the world go by. The tapas menu is a de­li­cious mix of clas­sic fa­vorites and mod­ern twists. Whether you're crav­ing patatas bravas or

want to try some­thing new like their Iber­ian ham cro­que­tas, you won't be dis­ap­point­ed. And the drink se­lec­tion? Just as im­pres­sive. From cava to gin and ton­ics, ex­pert­ly mixed cock­tails, and an ar­ray of beers and wines, you are sure to find your per­fect drink. Bar Ro­dri­go is a lit­tle slice of Barcelona life you won't want to miss.

Opening hours
Monday09:30 - 12:00TuesdayClosedWednesdayClosedThursdayClosedFriday09:30 - 12:00Saturday09:30 - 12:00Sunday09:30 - 12:00