
Bar Malasang


Bar Malasang in Barcelon­a's El Poble­nou neigh­bor­hood pos­sess­es a rus­tic charm that em­bod­ies the city's char­ac­ter. The in­te­ri­or show­cas­es a wel­com­ing area dec­o­rat­ed with vin­tage posters, soft­ly il­lu­mi­nat­ed by can­dle­light. Their culi­nary of­fer­ings fea­ture clas­sic Cata­lan dish­es, with a va­ri­ety of choic­es rang­ing from hearty stews to tempt­ing tapas. Be sure to sam­ple the "bom­ba de la Barcelone­ta", a

de­lec­table pota­to ball filled with meat and fried to a de­light­ful crisp­ness. Sa­vor the au­then­tic tastes of Barcelona and com­ple­ment your din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence with a glass of re­gion­al wine or a craft beer, all while im­mers­ing your­self in the en­er­getic am­biance. To ful­ly grasp the essence of this cap­ti­vat­ing city, a stop at Bar Malasang is a must.

Price point
Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesday09:00 - 12:30Wednesday09:00 - 12:30Thursday09:00 - 12:30Friday09:00 - 02:30Saturday11:00 - 02:30Sunday11:00 - 17:30