
Bar Lobo


Bar Lobo, sit­u­at­ed in Barcelon­a's Raval dis­trict, prac­ti­cal­ly thrums with in­fec­tious en­er­gy. In­side, you'll dis­cov­er a live­ly blend of lo­cals and tourists, al­lured by the promise of au­then­tic Barcelona cui­sine. The menu presents a tan­ta­liz­ing mix of tra­di­tion­al and mod­ern plates, each pre­pared with fresh, lo­cal­ly-sourced in­gre­di­ents. From a re­laxed break­fast to a quick mid­day

meal, or an evening spent sa­vor­ing tapas and drinks, Bar Lobo sat­is­fies every de­sire. The staff's warm wel­come and help­ful rec­om­men­da­tions make choos­ing your dish­es ef­fort­less, guar­an­tee­ing you find the ide­al ac­com­pa­ni­ments. Ring ahead to re­serve your spot and brace your­self for a gas­tro­nom­ic ad­ven­ture that will linger in your thoughts long af­ter you've de­part­ed.

Price point