
Bar Dia


Step into the live­ly Bar Dia, where lo­cals and vis­i­tors min­gle in a warm and friend­ly at­mos­phere. The cozy glow of vin­tage bulbs over­head cre­ates an invit­ing am­biance. In­dulge in de­lec­table bar bites and small plates, in­clud­ing their renowned cro­que­tas. The ex­ten­sive wine list show­cas­es lo­cal winer­ies, while the ex­pert­ly craft­ed cock­tails re­flect the same at­ten­tion to de­tail as the food. Bar Dia is more than just a bar; it's a beloved gath­er­ing spot where lo­cals and trav­el­ers con­nect over de­li­cious bites, fine wines, and re­fresh­ing cock­tails. The warm and friend­ly at­mos­phere will make you feel right at home.

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