
Bar B65


Duck in­side Bar B65 and es­cape the Mal­lor­ca heat – you'll find this live­ly tapas bar buzzing with lo­cals and in-the-know vis­i­tors. Their brand new AC means you can chill out com­fort­ably while dig­ging into their de­li­cious tapas. The menu is packed with clas­sic bites and some in­ven­tive sur­pris­es, ide­al for shar­ing with friends over a cold glass of Span­ish wine. And don't miss the patatas bravas – word on the street is they're some of the best on the is­land. With its en­er­getic vibe and wel­com­ing staff, Bar B65 guar­an­tees a mem­o­rable din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence.

Location 604 21 88 30
Opening hours
Monday09:00 - 23:30TuesdayClosedWednesday09:00 - 23:30Thursday09:00 - 23:30Friday09:00 - 23:30Saturday09:00 - 12:00Sunday09:00 - 15:30