
Bar Balmes


Amidst Pal­ma's bustling streets, Bar Balmes stands as an oa­sis of culi­nary de­lights. Its tucked-away lo­ca­tion, just off the main thor­ough­fare of Pas­seig del Born, of­fers a respite from the city's vi­brant en­er­gy. Step­ping in­side, one is greet­ed by a warm and invit­ing at­mos­phere, with a charm­ing blend of rus­tic and mod­ern

aes­thet­ics. The menu fea­tures a de­lec­table ar­ray of tapas, from clas­sic patatas bravas to in­no­v­a­tive cre­ations that show­case the vi­brant fla­vors of Mal­lor­ca. Pair your tapas with a re­fresh­ing glass of san­gria or a se­lec­tion from their ex­ten­sive wine list, and let the evening un­fold in the heart of Pal­ma's culi­nary scene.
