
Restau­rant & Bar 19.20 by Nor­bert Tarayre


Nes­tled in the chic neigh­bor­hood of the 10th ar­rondisse­ment, Bar 19.20 is a hid­den gem that ex­udes Parisian charm. Step in­side and you'll be greet­ed by a warm and invit­ing am­biance with a cozy, can­dlelit in­te­ri­or. The in­dus­tri­al-chic decor fea­tures ex­posed brick walls, vin­tage fur­ni­ture, and eclec­tic art­work. The menu boasts a cu­rat­ed se­lec­tion of craft beers, cock­tails, and

wines from around the world. Whether you're sip­ping on a re­fresh­ing IPA or a clas­sic Ne­groni, you'll be im­mersed in the live­ly at­mos­phere and friend­ly con­ver­sa­tion. As night falls, the bar trans­forms into a vi­brant mu­sic venue with live per­for­mances rang­ing from jazz to elec­tron­ic beats. Bar 19.20 is a must-vis­it spot for a unique and au­then­tic Parisian ex­pe­ri­ence.

Opening hours
Monday08:30 - 12:30Tuesday08:30 - 12:30Wednesday08:30 - 12:30Thursday08:30 - 12:30Friday08:30 - 12:30Saturday10:00 - 12:30Sunday10:00 - 12:30