shopping mall

Bald­win Hills Cren­shaw


Ven­ture to the dy­nam­ic and vi­brant Bald­win Hills Cren­shaw dis­trict, where the pulse of Los An­ge­les beats strong. Ad­mire the tow­er­ing Bald­win Hills Scenic Over­look, of­fer­ing breath­tak­ing city panora­mas. Wan­der through Leimert Park Vil­lage, a cul­tur­al oa­sis adorned with vi­brant mu­rals and live­ly art gal­leries. Sa­vor au­then­tic fla­vors at the his­toric Harold & Belle's Cre­ole Cui­sine or ex­plore the trendy spots along Cren­shaw Boule­vard. From the Cren­shaw Na­ture Trail to the Bald­win Hills Mall, this eclec­tic neigh­bor­hood seam­less­ly blends his­to­ry, cul­ture, and mod­ern con­ve­niences, mak­ing it a must-vis­it des­ti­na­tion in the heart of the City of An­gels.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 20:00Tuesday10:00 - 20:00Wednesday10:00 - 20:00Thursday10:00 - 20:00Friday10:00 - 20:00Saturday10:00 - 20:00Sunday11:00 - 19:00