middle eastern restaurant



This unas­sum­ing yet ex­tra­or­di­nary restau­rant in­vites you on a tan­ta­liz­ing jour­ney through the fla­vors of the Mid­dle East. Upon ar­rival, you're en­veloped by the in­tox­i­cat­ing aro­mas of fresh­ly baked bread and fra­grant spices. The menu show­cas­es a trea­sure trove of au­then­tic Iraqi dish­es. Be­gin with ethe­re­al hum­mus, whipped to per­fec­tion and adorned with ten­der lamb. For your main course, we sug­gest the melt-in-your-mouth lamb shawar­ma, served with suc­cu­lent rice and a sym­pho­ny of pick­led veg­eta­bles. Con­clude your culi­nary ad­ven­ture with de­lec­table bakla­va, a flaky pas­try filled with nuts and hon­ey.
