


Lo­cat­ed in Lon­don, this es­tab­lish­ment is renowned for their ex­cep­tion­al bak­ing skills, us­ing sole­ly nat­ur­al in­gre­di­ents. Their as­sort­ment of au­then­tic Swedish breads and pas­tries is vast, en­sur­ing that each cus­tomer's ap­petite is ful­filled. If you are a lover of clas­sic desserts, it is high­ly rec­om­mend­ed that you pay this bak­ery a vis­it to ex­pe­ri­ence the gen­uine taste of their of­fer­ings. Upon your vis­it, do not miss the op­por­tu­ni­ty to taste their mouth-wa­ter­ing sweet and sa­vory pas­tries, cakes, and ar­ti­san breads. This is a quin­tes­sen­tial Swedish bak­ery that pro­vides an ar­ray of fresh­ly baked goods and a charm­ing cafe at­mos­phere.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday09:00 - 18:30Tuesday09:00 - 18:30Wednesday09:00 - 18:30Thursday09:00 - 18:30Friday09:00 - 18:30Saturday10:00 - 18:30SundayClosed