
Back Street Bar


Our bar, lo­cat­ed on Kabko Lane, has gained at­ten­tion from well-re­spect­ed news sources like The Ph­nom Penh Post, The Cam­bo­dia Dai­ly, and The Ph­nom Penh Times. What sets us apart is the stun­ning street art adorn­ing the walls, cre­at­ed by high­ly skilled artists. The live­ly and imag­i­na­tive at­mos­phere of our bar has re­ceived pos­i­tive feed­back from both lo­cals and vis­i­tors. We are proud to of­fer an ex­pe­ri­ence that pays homage

to and cel­e­brates street art. Come join us and en­joy a great vibe, fan­tas­tic mu­sic, and de­li­cious drinks while ad­mir­ing the stun­ning art that dec­o­rates our walls. Our suc­cess has not gone un­no­ticed out­side Cam­bo­dia, with Japan's Masa news show­cas­ing our bar's unique qual­i­ties on their Face­book page. We are thrilled to share our pas­sion for street art and re­main a go-to spot for art afi­ciona­dos from all over the world.

Opening hours
Monday17:00 - 02:00Tuesday17:00 - 02:00Wednesday17:00 - 03:00Thursday17:00 - 03:00Friday17:00 - 04:00Saturday17:00 - 04:00Sunday17:00 - 02:00