


Copen­hagen's Børne­museet is more than just a mu­se­um – it's a world of dis­cov­ery craft­ed es­pe­cial­ly for chil­dren. From the mo­ment you step in­side, you're sur­round­ed by in­ter­ac­tive ex­hibits burst­ing with col­or and ex­cite­ment. Kids can nav­i­gate the streets of a minia­ture city, delve into fas­ci­nat­ing sci­en­tif­ic prin­ci­ples, or un­leash their cre­ative spir­its with hands-on

art ex­pe­ri­ences. The en­tire space ex­udes a con­ta­gious en­er­gy, fu­eled by the mu­se­um's live­ly at­mos­phere and pas­sion­ate staff. It's a place where kids can learn through play and cre­ate last­ing mem­o­ries, mak­ing it the per­fect des­ti­na­tion for an un­for­get­table fam­i­ly out­ing – or even a play­ful es­cape for adults to re­con­nect with their in­ner child.

Opening hours
Tuesday10:00 - 17:00MondayClosedFriday10:00 - 17:00Saturday10:00 - 17:00Sunday10:00 - 17:00Wednesday10:00 - 17:00Thursday10:00 - 17:00