
Jardin At­lan­tique


You would­n't know it, but Jardin At­lan­tique sits atop the busy Mont­par­nasse train sta­tion. This tran­quil oa­sis of­fers a wel­come respite from the ur­ban hus­tle. As you wan­der the man­i­cured paths, the aro­ma of ros­es and laven­der fills the air, a stark con­trast to the faint hum of trains be­low. Dis­cov­er se­clud­ed walk­ways, un­wind by peace­ful wa­ter fea­tures, or let the kids loose in the play area. This one-of-a-kind green space em­bod­ies Parisian cre­ativ­i­ty, har­mo­niz­ing na­ture with city life. It's ide­al for a leisure­ly pic­nic, a qui­et read, or a mo­ment of tran­quil­i­ty amidst the Parisian en­er­gy.

Opening hours
Monday08:00 - 17:4508:00 - 17:45Tuesday08:00 - 17:45Wednesday08:00 - 17:45Thursday08:00 - 17:45Friday08:00 - 17:45Saturday09:00 - 17:45Sunday09:00 - 17:45Monday08:00 - 17:45Tuesday08:00 - 17:45Wednesday08:00 - 17:45Thursday08:00 - 17:45Friday08:00 - 17:45Saturday09:00 - 17:45Sunday09:00 - 17:45