
ATI­KA Lon­don


A trip to ATI­KA Lon­don is a must for any fash­ion lover vis­it­ing Lon­don. This mas­sive em­po­ri­um hous­es a trea­sure trove of over 20,000 vin­tage and re­worked pieces, cu­rat­ed with a keen eye for style and sus­tain­abil­i­ty. But it's not just about clothes! ATI­KA seam­less­ly blends fash­ion with lifestyle, of­fer­ing home fur­nish­ings, art and de­sign ob­jects, and a well-cho­sen se­lec­tion of books and mag­a­zines. Sit­u­at­ed just a quick hop from Brick Lane, this sprawl­ing, his­toric ware­house has be­come a beloved fix­ture of the Spi­tal­fields and Shored­itch scene.
