french restaurant



At L'As­trance, Pas­cal Bar­bot and Christophe Ro­hat lead a culi­nary team that trans­forms din­ing into an art form. This es­tab­lish­ment is renowned for its mod­ern take on French cui­sine, pre­sent­ing in­no­v­a­tive tast­ing menus that both de­light and amaze. Step­ping into L’As­trance, one is met with a re­fined yet un­pre­ten­tious at­mos­phere. The fo­cus is not on lav­ish decor but on

cre­at­ing a wel­com­ing space where the food takes cen­ter stage. This ap­proach al­lows guests to ful­ly ap­pre­ci­ate the artistry and in­no­va­tion ev­i­dent in each dish. Every el­e­ment of the din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence is care­ful­ly cu­rat­ed, from the im­pec­ca­ble ser­vice to the thought­ful­ly cho­sen wine pair­ings. The re­sult is an un­for­get­table culi­nary jour­ney that lingers long af­ter the last bite.
