


Din­ing at Ar­mani/Ris­torante, lo­cat­ed with­in the icon­ic Burj Khal­i­fa, is an ex­pe­ri­ence as cap­ti­vat­ing as the sky­scraper it­self. The restau­ran­t's el­e­gant, mod­ern de­sign frames breath­tak­ing panoram­ic views of the Dubai sky­line. Each dish is a culi­nary work of art, show­cas­ing the best of Ital­ian cui­sine. We can per­son­al­ly at­test that the Os­sobu­co melts in your mouth, while the Risot­to

is a study in del­i­cate fla­vors - every bite is a jour­ney for your taste­buds. The ex­ten­sive wine list of­fers a va­ri­ety of choic­es to per­fect­ly com­ple­ment your meal. At­ten­tive and knowl­edge­able staff el­e­vate the en­tire evening, en­sur­ing a tru­ly un­for­get­table ex­pe­ri­ence. Whether you're cel­e­brat­ing a mile­stone or sim­ply crav­ing an ex­tra­or­di­nary evening out, Ar­mani/Ris­torante is an ex­cel­lent choice.

Opening hours
Monday18:30 - 23:30Tuesday18:30 - 23:30Wednesday18:30 - 23:30Thursday18:30 - 23:30Friday18:00 - 23:00Saturday18:30 - 23:30Sunday18:30 - 23:30