
Arc de Tri­om­phe


The climb to the top of the Arc de Tri­om­phe is a work­out, but trust us, it's worth every step. The minute you reach the top and see that view, all the ef­fort is for­got­ten. The panoram­ic vista is sim­ply breath­tak­ing. You see the av­enues ra­di­at­ing out­wards like spokes

on a wheel and un­der­stand why it's con­sid­ered the city's cen­tral point. The Champs-Élysées stretch­es be­fore you like a rib­bon, beck­on­ing you to ex­plore its se­crets. In­side, the ex­hib­it chron­i­cles the fas­ci­nat­ing his­to­ry of the Arc and its sig­nif­i­cance to France in a way that's both in­for­ma­tive and en­gag­ing.
