


Ven­ture into the heart of Hong Kong's vi­brant ma­rine ecosys­tem at aqua. Snorkel­ers and divers will be cap­ti­vat­ed by the un­der­wa­ter world of Vic­to­ria Har­bour, home to play­ful pink dol­phins and ma­jes­tic hump­back whales. Ex­plore the vi­brant coral reefs sur­round­ing the out­ly­ing is­lands, or glide along the wa­ter's sur­face by kayak or pad­dle­board, mar­veling at the city's stun­ning sky­line from a unique per­spec­tive. Be­yond the har­bor, Hong Kong's pris­tine beach­es

beck­on. Re­pulse Bay and Deep Wa­ter Bay are per­fect for swim­ming, sun­bathing, and wind­surf­ing, while Lam­ma Is­land and Che­ung Chau Is­land of­fer more se­clud­ed es­capes. Whether you're an ex­pe­ri­enced div­er or sim­ply seek­ing a re­fresh­ing dip, Hong Kong's aqua has some­thing for every wa­ter en­thu­si­ast. Its vi­brant ma­rine life, breath­tak­ing scenery, and abun­dance of aquat­ic ac­tiv­i­ties make it a must-vis­it des­ti­na­tion for those who love the won­ders of the un­der­wa­ter world.
