
Apartho­tel Sil­ver Barcelona


Apartho­tel Sil­ver Barcelona of­fers a styl­ish and con­ve­nient stay in the heart of the city. Its mod­ern apart­ments fea­ture kitch­enettes, sleek bath­rooms, and sep­a­rate liv­ing ar­eas, pro­vid­ing the com­fort and space of a home away from home. The aparthotel's cen­tral lo­ca­tion near Pas­seig de Gra­cia grants easy ac­cess to Barcelon­a's top at­trac­tions, in­clud­ing the Goth­ic Quar­ter, Sagra­da

Fa­mil­ia, and Park Güell. Guests can re­lax and re­ju­ve­nate on the rooftop ter­race with stun­ning city views, or work out in the fit­ness cen­ter. The friend­ly staff at Apartho­tel Sil­ver Barcelona en­sures a seam­less stay, mak­ing it an ide­al choice for both leisure and busi­ness trav­el­ers seek­ing a com­fort­able and con­ve­nient base to ex­plore the Cata­lan cap­i­tal.
