


Walk­ing into An­nie's is like re­ceiv­ing a warm hug. It's not just the food (though the por­tions are gen­er­ous and sat­is­fy­ing), but the gen­uine warmth that makes it spe­cial. Every dish is made with care, promis­ing a fla­vor ex­plo­sion in every mouth­ful. Whether you're stick­ing to fa­mil­iar fa­vorites or try­ing some­thing new, their menu caters to all. The gen­tle buzz of con­ver­sa­tion and the rhyth­mic clink­ing of sil­ver­ware cre­ate a live­ly, com­mu­nal feel­ing, mak­ing you feel right at home. An­nie's is about more than just food; it's about cre­at­ing mem­o­ries. So, grab your friends and fam­i­ly, rel­ish the de­li­cious food, and soak in the wel­com­ing am­biance of this charm­ing restau­rant.

Price point