art gallery

An­nely Juda Fine Art


An­nely Juda Fine Art of­fers a cu­rat­ed ex­pe­ri­ence for mod­ern art lovers vis­it­ing Lon­don. The gallery fea­tures a fas­ci­nat­ing col­lec­tion of con­tem­po­rary pieces from both lo­cal British and glob­al artists. What makes this space unique is its fo­cus on im­por­tant 20th-cen­tu­ry art move­ments like Bauhaus, De Sti­jl, and Russ­ian Con­struc­tivism, along­side strik­ing ex­am­ples of ab­stract sculp­ture and paint­ing.

Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 18:00Tuesday10:00 - 18:00Wednesday10:00 - 18:00Thursday10:00 - 18:00Friday10:00 - 18:00Saturday11:00 - 17:00SundayClosed