Angkor Panoram­ic Bou­tique Ho­tel


Imag­ine wak­ing up to stun­ning views from your styl­ish room or suite at the Angkor Panoram­ic Bou­tique Ho­tel. This peace­ful, mod­ern oa­sis fea­tures 27 ac­com­mo­da­tions, each with its own out­door space per­fect for soak­ing up the serene sur­round­ings. Af­ter a day ex­plor­ing the near­by cul­tur­al trea­sures of Angkor Ar­chae­o­log­i­cal Park, take a re­fresh­ing dip in

the rooftop in­fin­i­ty pool while en­joy­ing panoram­ic vis­tas and de­li­cious cock­tails. In the evening, treat your­self to a de­light­ful meal at the ho­tel’s restau­rant, which fea­tures a menu of both tra­di­tion­al Cam­bo­di­an and in­ter­na­tion­al dish­es. The Angkor Panoram­ic Bou­tique Ho­tel’s con­ve­nient lo­ca­tion also of­fers easy ac­cess to the ex­cite­ment of Pub Street.
