Angkor Heart Bun­ga­low


The Angkor Heart Bun­ga­low beau­ti­ful­ly em­bod­ies Khmer cul­ture, ra­di­at­ing a sense of el­e­gance, com­fort, and re­fine­ment. The ar­chi­tec­ture pays homage to tra­di­tion­al Khmer homes, sur­round­ed by lush gar­dens that en­hance its charm. The L-shaped pool pro­vides a wel­come respite af­ter a day ex­plor­ing the near­by tem­ples. Speak­ing of tem­ples, the UN­ESCO World Her­itage site is a mere 20-minute trip from this ide­al­ly sit­u­at­ed bun­ga­low.
