dress store

Ana An­gu­lo


Ana An­gu­lo is a must-vis­it for any fash­ion lover pass­ing through Barcelona. The shop fea­tures an ex­pert­ly cu­rat­ed se­lec­tion of dress­es, jack­ets, coats, shirts, pants, skirts and more. Each piece is craft­ed with ob­vi­ous at­ten­tion to de­tail and fea­tures unique touch­es. Ana's pas­sion for fash­ion is ev­i­dent in every de­sign, with in­no­v­a­tive cuts and sil­hou­ettes that flat­ter any fig­ure. Whether you're drawn to bold pat­terns or pre­fer del­i­cate em­bell­ish­ments, their di­verse col­lec­tion caters to a range of styles and oc­ca­sions. This is the per­fect place to el­e­vate your wardrobe and dis­cov­er pieces that re­flect your own in­di­vid­ual style.
