turkish restaurant

Am­bi­ence Restau­rant


Am­bi­ence Restau­rant is more than just a place to eat; it's a true taste of Turkey. The minute you walk in, the en­tic­ing blend of smoky grilled meats and ex­ot­ic spices hits you. Their se­cret weapon? A real char­coal man­gal grill, im­part­ing an un­matched rich­ness to their dish­es. This ded­i­ca­tion to gen­uine Turk­ish cui­sine ex­tends to their use of fresh, whole­some in­gre­di­ents, which burst with fla­vor. The over­all vibe is re­laxed and invit­ing, per­fect for a low-key meal with your crew or a chilled-out evening.

Price point