
Alche­my Craft


Nes­tled in the heart of West Hol­ly­wood, The Alche­my Craft is a cozy and en­chant­i­ng cock­tail bar that trans­ports you to a realm of mixol­o­gy mag­ic. With its dim­ly lit am­biance, vin­tage apothe­cary dé­cor, and an ex­ten­sive menu of hand­craft­ed elixirs, this speakeasy-style haven in­vites you on an im­mer­sive drink­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. Each cock­tail is a work of art, metic­u­lous­ly

craft­ed with fresh in­gre­di­ents, ar­ti­sanal spir­its, and imag­i­na­tive flair. From the re­fresh­ing "Po­tion of Vi­tal­i­ty" to the smoky "Smoked & Spiced Old Fash­ioned," The Alche­my Craft of­fers a tan­ta­liz­ing jour­ney for your taste buds. Whether you're seek­ing a ro­man­tic ren­dezvous or an un­for­get­table night out with friends, this hid­den gem is sure to cap­ti­vate and leave you crav­ing more.

Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesday11:00 - 21:00Wednesday11:00 - 21:00Thursday11:00 - 22:00Friday11:00 - 23:00Saturday11:00 - 23:00Sunday11:00 - 21:00