pakistani restaurant

Al­adin Ke­babish


Lon­don's food scene is a melt­ing pot, and Al­adin Ke­babish of­fers a true taste of Pak­istan with­out the plane tick­et. This spot spe­cial­izes in Karachi-style cook­ing, and they aren't play­ing around when it comes to au­then­tic­i­ty. For­get your av­er­age take­out cur­ry – we're talk­ing aro­mat­ic Ni­hari, slow-cooked Haleem, and rich Ko­r­mas burst­ing with flavour. If you're af­ter some­thing from the tan­door, you won't be dis­ap­point­ed, and the Hal­wa Puri is the per­fect sweet treat to round off your meal. Al­adin Ke­babish is a real culi­nary jour­ney.

Price point