
Akas Rooftop Sky Bar by The Twizt


Akas Rooftop Sky Bar, perched atop The Twizt, boasts some of the best views in Siem Reap. From this van­tage point, the city stretch­es be­fore you, with the an­cient sil­hou­ette of Angkor Wat loom­ing in the dis­tance. The open-air de­sign feels mod­ern and sleek, with com­fort­able seat­ing that in­vites you to

linger. Their cock­tail menu is im­pres­sive, and pair­ing a de­li­cious drink with the breath­tak­ing scenery as the sun sets and the cityscape lights up is an ex­pe­ri­ence you won't soon for­get. Whether you're on a ro­man­tic get­away or cel­e­brat­ing a spe­cial oc­ca­sion, Akas pro­vides a so­phis­ti­cat­ed and mem­o­rable set­ting.

Opening hours
Monday07:00 - 12:00Tuesday07:00 - 12:00Wednesday07:00 - 12:00Thursday07:00 - 12:00Friday07:00 - 12:00Saturday07:00 - 12:00Sunday07:00 - 12:00