
Aer­obus El Prat Ter­mi­nal 2


The Aer­obus is the most con­ve­nient way to get to or from Barcelona city cen­ter and the air­port. It op­er­ates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with bus­es de­part­ing every 5-10 min­utes. The Aer­obus has two routes: one that serves Ter­mi­nal 1 and an­oth­er that serves Ter­mi­nal 2. Both routes take

about 35 min­utes to reach the city cen­ter, and the fare is €5.90 for a sin­gle tick­et or €10.20 for a round-trip tick­et. The Aer­obus is a com­fort­able and re­li­able way to trav­el, and it's a great op­tion for those who don't want to deal with the has­sle of pub­lic trans­porta­tion or taxis.
