
Adria Ris­torante & Bar


Adria Ris­torante & Bar brings a mod­ern flair to clas­sic Ital­ian cui­sine in the heart of Vasas­tan. Led by the Mon­ta­nari fam­i­ly, this wel­com­ing es­tab­lish­ment of­fers a cozy am­biance per­fect for var­i­ous oc­ca­sions. In­dulge in de­lec­table dish­es that show­case the fam­i­ly's pas­sion for Ital­ian culi­nary tra­di­tions. From hearty piz­zas to fla­vor­ful pas­ta and suc­cu­lent seafood, each dish is craft­ed with fresh in­gre­di­ents and a touch of in­no­va­tion. Adria Ris­torante

& Bar is more than just a din­ing des­ti­na­tion; it's a so­cial hub where guests can con­nect over food and drinks. Whether you're seek­ing a quick lunch, a ro­man­tic din­ner, or a live­ly hap­py hour, this charm­ing spot has some­thing for every­one. The Mon­ta­nari fam­i­ly's warm hos­pi­tal­i­ty and ded­i­ca­tion to culi­nary ex­cel­lence make Adria Ris­torante & Bar a must-vis­it for those seek­ing an au­then­tic Ital­ian ex­pe­ri­ence in Stock­holm.

Opening hours
Monday11:00 AM - 2:00 PM5:00 PM - 11:00 PMTuesday11:00 AM - 2:00 PM5:00 PM - 10:30 PMWednesday11:00 AM - 2:00 PM5:00 PM - 10:30 PMThursday11:00 AM - 2:00 PM5:00 PM - 11:00 PMFriday11:00 AM - 2:00 PM5:00 PM - 12:00 PMSaturday5:00 PM - 12:00 PM