
Ad­dress Sky View


The Ad­dress Sky View, lo­cat­ed on Sheikh Mo­hammed Bin Rashid Boule­vard, takes lux­u­ry ac­com­mo­da­tion to a whole new lev­el. The ar­chi­tec­ture it­self is breath­tak­ing, with twin tow­ers joined by a re­mark­able sky bridge of­fer­ing un­par­al­leled panoram­ic views of Dubai's sky­line. Our suite was the de­f­i­n­i­tion of mod­ern el­e­gance. Ex­pan­sive win­dows seam­less­ly merged the op­u­lent in­te­ri­or with the dy­nam­ic

cityscape be­yond. We spent a bliss­ful af­ter­noon loung­ing by the awe-in­spir­ing in­fin­i­ty pool, a serene oa­sis high above the bustling streets. Lat­er, we treat­ed our­selves to restora­tive treat­ments at the tran­quil spa. With a va­ri­ety of restau­rants, each pro­vid­ing a unique culi­nary jour­ney, din­ing at the Ad­dress Sky View is an ex­pe­ri­ence to re­mem­ber. Pre­pare to be wowed.
