women's clothing store



For­get stuffy ho­tel rooms! ADA's BCN is a breath of fresh air. This mod­ern oa­sis is just a stone's throw from the ex­cite­ment of Las Ram­blas, mak­ing it easy to dive into the city's en­er­gy. Rooms burst with nat­ur­al light and con­tem­po­rary style – think less ho­tel, more chic city apart­ment. Head up to the rooftop ter­race for jaw-drop­ping panoram­ic views of Barcelon­a's sky­line; it's the per­fect spot to watch

the city lights twin­kle on. The on-site restau­rant will tan­ta­lize your taste­buds with fresh, au­then­tic Mediter­ranean cui­sine. What tru­ly sets ADA's BCN apart is its ded­i­ca­tion to per­son­al­ized ser­vice. The staff goes above and be­yond to en­sure every guest feels wel­comed and cared for, mak­ing your stay feel ex­tra spe­cial. ADA's BCN is an ide­al home base for ex­plor­ing Barcelona, whether you're in town for work or play.

Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesdayClosedFriday10:00 - 20:30Saturday10:00 - 14:0016:30 - 20:30Sunday10:00 - 19:00Thursday10:00 - 20:30Wednesday10:00 - 20:30