cd store

Acad­e­my Records & CDs


Se­ri­ous about ex­pand­ing your mu­sic col­lec­tion? Acad­e­my Records & CDs should be on your list. Lo­cat­ed on West 18th, this shop is a haven for mu­sic and film lovers, over­flow­ing with CDs, vinyl, DVDs, and Blu-rays. While they buy and sell across all gen­res, their real pas­sion is jazz and clas­si­cal. Look­ing for a spe­cif­ic record­ing or hop­ing to un­earth a hid­den trea­sure? The knowl­edge­able staff can guide you. And if you're look­ing to part with some of your own col­lec­tion, they of­fer cash or trade deals for gen­tly used items.

Price point