record store

Acad­e­my Records


Acad­e­my Records is a must-vis­it for any vinyl en­thu­si­ast pass­ing through New York City. This long-stand­ing shop, with its well-worn floors and over­flow­ing bins, is a haven for mu­sic lovers. The staff are in­cred­i­bly knowl­edge­able and al­ways hap­py to chat mu­sic or of­fer rec­om­men­da­tions. Whether you're search­ing for a rare first press­ing or just brows­ing for a hid­den gem, you'll find it here. Plus, they of­fer com­pet­i­tive prices for buy­ing and trad­ing used records, so you might even walk out with more cash than you came in with.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday11:00 - 19:00Tuesday11:00 - 19:00Wednesday11:00 - 19:00Thursday11:00 - 19:00Friday11:00 - 19:00Saturday11:00 - 19:00Sunday11:00 - 19:00