


Don't let the unas­sum­ing ex­te­ri­or fool you – Àbac is a two-Miche­lin-starred trea­sure wait­ing to be dis­cov­ered. Chef Xavier Pel­licer and Mar­gari­ta Bernal have cre­at­ed a sanc­tu­ary for el­e­vat­ed Cata­lan cui­sine. Their tast­ing menu takes you on a jour­ney of rein­vent­ed clas­sics. Imag­ine this: fresh oys­ters paired with deca­dent caviar and sparkling cham­pagne; ten­der lob­ster en­hanced by

cau­li­flower and rich black truf­fle; and suc­cu­lent suck­ling pig in­fused with the sweet­ness of ap­ple and warmth of cin­na­mon. An ex­ten­sive se­lec­tion of Span­ish wines flaw­less­ly ac­com­pa­nies each course, while the at­ten­tive and knowl­edge­able staff el­e­vates the so­phis­ti­cat­ed yet com­fort­able at­mos­phere. Àbac guar­an­tees an un­for­get­table culi­nary ad­ven­ture, hon­or­ing the essence of Cata­lan fla­vors with a mod­ern twist.

Opening hours
Monday13:00 - 14:0020:00 - 21:00Tuesday13:00 - 14:0020:00 - 21:00Wednesday13:00 - 14:0020:00 - 21:00Thursday13:00 - 14:0020:00 - 21:00Friday13:00 - 14:0020:00 - 21:00Saturday13:00 - 14:0020:00 - 21:00Sunday13:00 - 14:0020:00 - 21:00