
A Tu Bola


A Tu Bola in Barcelon­a's El Born dis­trict might be small, but its fla­vors are any­thing but. This charm­ing eatery could eas­i­ly be missed, but to do so would be a dis­ser­vice to your taste buds. Their menu of­fers a tempt­ing se­lec­tion of tapas, from tra­di­tion­al patatas bravas to cre­ative plates like

grilled oc­to­pus and foie gras. Each bite is an ex­plo­sion of taste, a clear in­di­ca­tor of their ded­i­ca­tion to us­ing fresh in­gre­di­ents and prepar­ing each dish to or­der. The re­laxed vibe and friend­ly ser­vice make it a great place for a low-key meal with your fa­vorite peo­ple, all with­out emp­ty­ing your wal­let.
