
79 Clap­ton Cafe & Restau­rant


A Clap­ton in­sti­tu­tion since 1884, 79 Up­per Clap­ton Cafe & Restau­rant in­stant­ly feels fa­mil­iar. Step­ping in­side, you're greet­ed by its charm­ing per­son­al­i­ty and the lin­ger­ing sto­ries of over a cen­tu­ry. The menu is a de­light­ful jour­ney it­self, of­fer­ing a di­verse se­lec­tion of mouth­wa­ter­ing dish­es guar­an­teed to sat­is­fy every ap­petite. It's the kind of place where you can eas­i­ly while away an af­ter­noon, soak­ing up the at­mos­phere and en­joy­ing a de­li­cious meal.

Opening hours
Monday06:00 - 15:00Tuesday06:00 - 15:00Wednesday06:00 - 15:00Thursday06:00 - 15:00Friday06:00 - 15:00Saturday08:00 - 15:00Sunday08:00 - 15:00