art gallery

1301 PE


1301 PE is a must-vis­it for any­one with a pulse on the LA art scene. This gallery pul­sates with en­er­gy, show­cas­ing chal­leng­ing and in­no­v­a­tive pieces from both up-and-com­ing and well-known artists. In­side, a cu­rat­ed col­lec­tion of paint­ings, sculp­tures, and mixed me­dia works awaits. Each ex­hi­bi­tion feels like a snap­shot of con­tem­po­rary art's most ex­cit­ing trends and ex­plo­rations. 1301 PE's ded­i­ca­tion to show­cas­ing fresh per­spec­tives so­lid­i­fies its place as a haven for art lovers.

Opening hours
Tuesday11:00 - 18:00Friday11:00 - 18:00MondayClosedSundayClosedWednesday11:00 - 18:00Thursday11:00 - 18:00Saturday11:00 - 18:00