tourist attraction

️ Parc de l’Églantier


Parc de l'Églantier pro­vides a wel­come es­cape from the city buzz. This six-hectare park cen­ters around a wa­ter basin man­aged by the SIAH, adding a touch of tran­quil­i­ty to the ur­ban land­scape. De­signed with bio­di­ver­si­ty in mind, it's a ver­i­ta­ble ur­ban ar­bore­tum. As you ex­plore the wind­ing paths, you'll dis­cov­er a di­verse col­lec­tion of trees and plants, mak­ing it a per­fect spot for a re­lax­ing stroll or a pic­nic lunch sur­round­ed by na­ture's beau­ty.