
ភោជនីយដ្ឋាន​ ភូមិគ្រឹះអង្គរ & PKA Cof­fee


The mag­nif­i­cent tem­ple stands tall and im­pres­sive, adorned with in­tri­cate carv­ings that por­tray an­cient leg­ends. The sooth­ing aro­ma of in­cense fills the air, invit­ing wor­ship­pers to come in­side and of­fer their prayers to the gods. Sun­light streams in through the col­or­ful stained glass win­dows, cre­at­ing a kalei­do­scope of pat­terns on the smooth mar­ble floor. The at­mos­phere is serene and calm, a peace­ful sanc­tu­ary from the chaos out­side.

Opening hours
Monday09:00 - 23:30Tuesday09:00 - 23:30Wednesday09:00 - 23:30Thursday09:00 - 23:30Friday09:00 - 23:30Saturday09:00 - 23:30Sunday09:00 - 23:30